Federal Opinion

Get Involved in International Education Week

By Heather Singmaster — October 25, 2016 2 min read
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Every year in November, we celebrate global education, international exchange, and international travel during International Education Week. For those of us who work in these fields, this is a great chance for our work to be recognized. It is also an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of giving our students a globally focused education and the skills needed to be successful in our interconnected world.

This year, International Education Week takes place November 14-18. This joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education is part of efforts to promote programs that prepare Americans for a global environment and attract future leaders from abroad to study, learn, and exchange experiences. The themes are Promoting Cultural and Global Competencies for All and Empowering Youth Through International Education, which are also the themes of this blog. They are themes essential to our country—especially at this point in our history. As Secretary of Education John King says in his International Education Week 2016 statement, “In today’s world, your neighbor may not look like you, your classmate may not worship like you, someone you work with may not live on the same continent as you, and even your parents may not speak the same language as fluently as you do. Today, anyone who is unable to communicate with and learn from people unlike themselves is at a true disadvantage.” [View full statement].

So whether you are just getting started with global education or have been at it for years—get involved with International Education Week. There are events happening in every state as well as in many countries around the world. Check the events list to find one near you.

You can also participate in the free online Global Education Conference happening that week featuring presenters from across the globe— or sign-up to present yourself!

And mark your calendar so you can join educators around the globe on Twitter for a special #GlobalEdChat on Thursday, November 17, at 8 pm Eastern, with co-hosts U.S. Department of Education and Peace Corps.

However you decide to celebrate, remember, by educating for global competence, you are creating a world where understanding one another and remaining curious, rather than suspicious, can lead to a more harmonious and prosperous nation and world.

Connect with Heather and Center for Global Education, Asia Society on Twitter.

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International Opinion

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