The global market for education is $4.4 trillion and poised to grow significantly over the next five years, according to an analysis by an international investment bank that advises companies on educational technology.
According to IBIS Capital, a London-based investment bank, the e-learning market is projected to grow by 23 percent by 2017, to $91 million, making it the fastest-growing market in education.
The IBIS Capital analysis covers several sectors of e-learning worldwide, including K-12 schools, higher education, and corporate and government training programs.
The estimates offer a glimpse of the market for e-learning beyond U.S. borders, potentially serving 1.4 billion students and 62.5 million educators, IBIS Capital says.
IBIS Capital does not currently have an estimate of what portion of the market is in the United States but is working on one, a representative of the organization said in an email.