Do you have strong opinions on what makes some school environments more conducive to effective teaching than others? Or is that something you’ve wondered about as you’ve tried to navigate your teaching career?
If you answered yes to either of those questions—and I suspect that many of you did—I hope you’ll be able to join us tonight (Wed.) at 8 p.m. ET for a Twitter chat (#ewedchat) we’ve organized in partnership with the National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future on how schools can better support good teaching. Specifically, we’ll be exploring questions around what kinds of conditions in schools tend to foster teacher satisfaction and effectiveness (in terms of having a distinct positive impact on student learning and achievement).
As you probably know, this is a timely topic for discussion. A growing number of policy organizations and education foundations are looking closely at school improvement through the lense of fostering teacher development and engagement. In a perspective piece we published this week, Melinda George, president of NCTAF, discussed her organization’s interest in starting a “national conversation” on what makes good teaching. A critical component of that effort, she says, is to listen and act on the stories of teachers’ themselves.
In effect, we hope that this Twitter chat will serve as part of that conversation—with our many thoughtful and engaged followers chiming in with examples and lessons learned from their own experiences. I’ll be moderating (@a_rebora) and George (@melindageorge2) will also be joining us as a featured guest. Join us for the discussion, using #ewedchat.