Today’s post continues BookMarks book list series. Enjoy!
Be a Changemaster: 12 Coaching Strategies for Leading Professional and Personal Change by Karla Reiss (Corwin, 2012). This guide for leaders provides 12 strategies for overcoming resistance to change, including how to adopt a coaching style of leadership as a systemic change strategy.
Charter Schools and the Corporate Makeover of Public Education: What’s at Stake? by Michael Fabricant and Michelle Fine, foreword by Deborah Meier (Teachers College Press, 2012). This book explores the gap between the promise and the performance of charter schools.
Collaborative School Improvement: Eight Practices for District-School Partnerships to Transform Teaching and Learning by Trent E. Kaufman, Emily Dolci Grimm, and Allison E. Miller, foreword by Kathryn Parker Boudett (Harvard Education Press, 2012). This book identifies eight key practices for effective school-district collaboration by drawing on case studies from three districts.
Curriculum, Community, and Urban School Reform by Barry M. Franklin (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012). This book uses the concept of community as a lens for interpreting urban school reform in a number of city schools since 1960.
The Death of the Comprehensive High School?: Historical, Contemporary, and Comparative Perspectives edited by Barry M. Franklin and Gary McCulloch (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012). This volume considers the ultimate fate of the comprehensive high school in the 21st century through essays that focus on the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.
Developing Mindful Students, Skillful Thinkers, Thoughtful Schools by Martin Buoncristiani and Patricia Buoncristiani, foreword by Arthur L. Costa (Corwin, 2012). Grounded in critical thinking research and aligned to one of the key goals of the Common Core State Standards, this book discusses how school leaders can build a thinking culture within the entire learning community.
Improving Student Learning When Budgets Are Tight by Allan R. Odden (Corwin, 2012). This book provides information on developing a school improvement plan in spite of budget cuts.
Narrowing the Achievement Gap: Perspectives and Strategies for Challenging Times edited by Thomas B. Timar and Julie Maxwell-Jolly (Harvard Education Press, 2012). This book provides multiple perspectives on closing achievement gaps as well as measures for addressing those gaps.
Off the Clock: Moving Education From Time to Competency by Fred Bramante and Rose Colby (Corwin, 2012). The authors suggest that student achievement should be based on mastering competencies instead of “seat time,” and they discuss how to implement a large-scale competency-based reform initiative.
Putting Faces on the Data: What Great Leaders Do! by Lyn Sharratt and Michael Fullan, foreword by Sir Michael Barber (Corwin, Co-Publication with OPC, 2012). This book covers how to develop a common language for sharing all students’ progress with teachers and leaders, and how to use ongoing assessment to inform instruction.
School Turnarounds: the Essential Role of Districts by Heather Zavadsky, foreword by Steven J. Adamowski (Harvard Education Press). This book, through the examination of case studies, places district-based initiatives and options into the larger discussion of the turnaround movement and its potential for improving chronically low-performing schools.
Surviving Economic Crises Through Education edited by David R. Cole (Peter Lang, 2012). This book includes pieces by educators and researchers who consider education globally in light of financial instability and market volatility, with an emphasis on Argentina.
Please let me know if you have a new release, or know of a new release, that you would like to be considered for a book list.