Justin Reich, a Harvard educational technology researcher who is co-founder of EdTechTeacher and project manager for the Distributed Collaborative Learning Communities Project, just moved his EdTechResearcher blog over to edweek.org. Reich, who has been featured in Education Week stories before, has firsthand experience working with teachers implementing technology in K-12 as well as conducting research on technology in education.
He writes in his first blog entry that “the purpose of the blog is to address the wide gap that often exists between education technology researchers on the one hand and technology-using educators on the other.” He’ll be blogging about new research and reports that come out, answering questions he receives through email, writing about ed-tech news, and sharing his stories from the field.
I’m sure that many of you will find Reich’s posts informative and relevant to your interests, so go ahead and check out his blog, add it to your RSS feed, and welcome him to the edweek.org community.