A Place at the Table
Susan Graham taught family and consumer science (formerly “home ec”) for 25 years. She is a National Board-certified teacher, a former regional Virginia teacher of the year, and a Fellow of the Teacher Leaders Network. In this opinion blog, Graham invited readers to pull a chair up to her virtual table as she offered her voice-of-experience perspective on teaching today, with a special focus on teacher leadership and continuous professional growth. This blog is no longer being updated, but you can continue to explore these issues on edweek.org by visiting our related topic pages: teacher leaders, teacher PD.
Clearing the Table
Thank you for pulling up a chair, but after four years, it's time to make space for someone else at the table. I'm off In Pursuit of Wisdom.
Against All Odds
I am convinced that if we value student success it is is critical that our new teachers have the support of an informed and concerned mentor. This one is a special case.
Wait Wait..Don't Tell Me!
It may be counter-intuitive, but sometimes the longer you wait, the faster they learn.
A Message From Education Nation: Listen to Me! Love Me!
The student panel on Education Nation said, "Education leaders, teachers, funders, and policy makers need to start listening to student voice," and this is what those students said, "Teacher, love me!"
Testing Smoke and Mirrors
Are policymakers lost in the haze or throwing up a smoke screen with sex education and health testing in DC?
Past Tense
The first day of school is always a new beginning--a fresh page. This year the first day was more than a new page. I'm starting a new chapter.
Another Storm on the Horizon
Hurricane Irene was a drop in the bucket compared to our current poverty rate among our children and if we don't do something about it, we may never recover a a nation.
School & District Management
The Best of Both Worlds
In the discussion of college and career readiness, education stakeholders sometimes get caught up in determining which ought to come first, preparation for college or preparation for career. That's a chicken or the egg argument.
School & District Management
Learning How to Live
It's important for our children to learn in order to earn a living, but we also need to ensure they learn how to live.
RSVP: Regrets Only
On Saturday, July 30 you are cordially invited to join teachers, parents and supports to the Save Our Schools March in Washington, D.C.
You Can't Read a Book Through That Cover
One of the best things about summer is time to read. I wonder what other people are reading, but how will I ever know?
Is Anybody There? Does Anybody Care? Does Anybody See What We See?
"I must study Politicks and War that my sons may have liberty to study Mathematicks and Philosophy." John Adams
An Open Letter to Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg says "The Social Network" isn't an accurate portrayal of the 6 years he spent developing Facebook. Man, after that Waiting for Superman thingy, I can understand how he feels! Now he's getting slammed for trying to help Newark schools, so I thought I'd drop him a little note.