Education Opinion

Clearing the Table

By Susan Graham — November 02, 2011 1 min read
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I ended my first entry of A Place at the Table with an invitation.

I hope you will pull up your chair and join me here at the table for some conversation.

Writing this blog for Teacher Magazine has been a gift. In 2003 I was invited to join the Center for Teaching Quality’s Teacher Leader Network. It opened up a whole new professional world. I was a good teacher, but participating in TLN changed how I perceived the profession and my place in that profession. In 2007, Teacher Magazine offered me the opportunity to write under the TLN logo. It was an opportunity that I never expected, but it is time to move on now.
There are other voices that need to be heard. I’ve retired from my classroom and there are some new professional opportunities that I would like to explore. So, as I sit down at this table for the last time, I’d like to raise a glass and say thank you to some of the people who made it possible for me to have A Place at the Table.

  • To Sheryl who so graciously introduced me into a community of teacher leaders.
  • To Barnett and the CTQ staff who believe that teachers really are the true education experts and who work to elevate teacher voice.
  • To my smart and committed TLN colleagues who have broadened my awareness and honed my thinking.
  • To John who has ruthlessly edited my work and generously nurtured me as a writer.
  • To my husband who has always believed in me, supported me, and who does the laundry so I can have time write.
  • To my former teachers who ignited my curiosity and modeled excellence
  • To my students who allowed me into their lives and minds.
  • And finally to you, my readers, who have been willing to pull up a chair and join me at the table.

For twenty-eight years, I have been pursuing of knowledge for myself and my students. I’m not through with teaching and learning even though I have now retired. I’m looking forward to little less performance pressure and a little more time to be still, read, and reflect on what matters and why. As a teacher emeritus, I ready to embark on a new adventrue In Pursuit of Wisdom. You are welcome to join me on the journey.

The opinions expressed in A Place at the Table are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications.