Educator Brian Crosby is wondering aloud about the inclusion—or lack thereof—of teachers in NBC’s upcoming Education Nation special:
Do you see any irony in the fact that none of the "experts" (speakers) are teachers, students or parents? (Much less many of them?) Could that be part of the problem in American education that "sponsors", corporations, news people, administrators and others have a prominent voice in education, but all the REAL stakeholders are, "thrown a bone" so that they can participate if they are lucky to be chosen based on their "application" so they can talk during a show at noon on Sunday during football and baseball playoff season? Gee thanks.
For anyone who’s been following our Teacher bloggers, Crosby’s line of questioning may sound like a familiar refrain. Nancy Flanagan, Anthony Mullen, and Anthony Cody have all blogged about the failure to include teachers in education-reform discussions.