Career Advice Opinion

Saying ‘Thank You,’ Increasing Your Hiring Odds

By Emily Douglas-McNab — April 30, 2014 1 min read
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Saying ‘thank you’ is something we often mean to do, but after long, busy days we don’t always find the time to show our appreciation through an email or a hand-written note. Yet, what if you knew that doing so could increase your odds of getting hired after an interview?

Consider this survey by Accountemps of more than 500 HR managers. When asked how helpful it is for a promising job candidate to send a thank-you following an interview:

  • Fifty-nine percent* of respondents noted, “Very helpful,”
  • Thirty-two percent* of respondents noted, “Somewhat helpful,” and
  • Ten percent* of respondents noted, “Not at all helpful.”
    (*Values do not equal 100 percent due to rounding.)

Image courtesy of Felixco, Inc.'s on FreeDigitalPhotos.net

So, if 91 percent of hiring managers liked to be thanked, how should one go about thanking them?

The survey noted that 87 percent of managers believe email is an appropriate way to express gratitude after an interview. Eighty-one percent thought phone calls were ok, 38 percent approved of hand-written notes, and 27 percent even found social media to be an appropriate vehicle. However, it’s probably best to steer clear of texting, as only 10 percent of survey respondents thought texts were an appropriate way to thank a potential employer.

So, what do candidates actually do?

Sixty-two percent of the time they send an email, 23 percent of the time they call, and 13 percent of the time they send a hand-written note.

Max Messmer, chairman of Accountemps and author of Job Hunting For Dummies®, 2nd Edition notes that, “When it comes to delivering a thank-you, the message is typically more important than the medium. Following up with hiring managers after the interview shows your enthusiasm for the position and allows you to reiterate the case for why you are the best person for the job.”

Accountemps also offers five tips for thanking a hiring manager post-interview. If you are looking for a job or plan to do so in the near future, I suggest checking them out. Remember, this seemingly small gesture can go a long way!

For more information on talent and human capital management in education, follow @EmilyDouglasHC on Twitter!

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