Head Start
Education Funding
Dozens of Head Start Programs Still Aren't Receiving Promised Federal Funds
Some providers of pre-K and child care have waited more than a week for federal reimbursements that typically arrive in 24 hours.
Early Childhood
Head Start Teachers Will Earn More—But Programs Might Have to Serve Fewer Kids
A new federal rule will raise wages for Head Start employees—but providers won't get any additional funding.
Early Childhood
As Head Start Quality Push Continues, Advocates Raise Red Flag on Equity
Inadequate federal funding forces Head Start providers to choose between quality and quantity, a new report contends.
Law & Courts
High Court Appears Skeptical of Vaccine Mandate Covering Schools in Over Half the States
The Biden administration's OSHA rule applies to private employers with 100 or more workers, as well as school districts in 26 states.
Law & Courts
Federal Judge Blocks Biden's COVID Vaccine Mandate for Head Start Teachers
In a challenge by 24 states, the judge's preliminary injunction also blocks a mask mandate for Head Start students age 2 or older.
Early Childhood
Federal Watchdog Finds Risk of Head Start Fraud, Ranking Republican Seeks Hearing
Officials have not done enough to prevent fraud in Head Start programs, the GAO said. The findings prompted Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., the ranking member of the House education and labor committee, to call for a hearing on the federally funded preschool program for low-income children.
Early Childhood
Head Start Wants to Back Off Its Mandate to Lengthen Operating Hours
The federally funded preschool program for children from low-income families proposes ending a requirement that all center-based programs offer 1,020 hours of service per school year.
Early Childhood
New Reports Tout Role of Gathering Data in Creating Effective Head Start Programs
Bellwether Education Partners highlights five Head Starts programs and says that the very best are serious about data collection and use what they learn from it to improve their practices.
Early Childhood
'Father of Head Start' Edward F. Zigler Dies at 88
Zigler was the last surviving member of the committee that developed the federal Head Start program, part of President Lyndon B. Johnson's War on Poverty.
Early Childhood
Practicing Kindergarten: How a Summer Program Eases Kids Into Learning
The start of kindergarten can be overwhelming for students, and for their parents. In Portland, Ore., a summer program is working to ease that transition.
How Data Helped Head Start Centers Tackle a 'No Show' Problem
Getting a more accurate enrollment count for the start of the school year is just one way that Head Start centers use data to improve operations.
Early Childhood
Abuse Allegations Lead Ky. District to Drop Head Start Grant
Jefferson County schools in Kentucky gave up a $15 million grant after 30 years and instead will spend $8 million to start a district-run early-childhood program.
Early Childhood
Troubled Ky. School District Gives Up Head Start Grant After Abuse Allegations
The 101,000-student Jefferson County district, the state's largest, says it will start an early-childhood program of its own to serve Head Start-eligible children.
Early Childhood
New Report Details Role Head Start Plays in Country's Rural Communities
The report by the Center for American Progress found that Head Start plays a vital role in supporting families who live in rural communities, which are more likely to be child-care deserts.