Okay, I know this blog spends a lot of time focusing on the U.S. Department of Education—and Congress. But I think education leaders on the Hill from both parties, and U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan would agree that high-flying district leaders are in a far better position to make a big difference in individual kids’ lives than they are.

So, get beyond the Beltway for a moment. Who are some of the most innovative and dedicated curriculum directors, superintendents, parent-engagement administrators, English-as-a-second-language directors, facilities folks, discipline honchos, technology officers, and district special education specialist?
We want to know, because Edweek is embarking on its fourth annual Leaders to Learn From report. This is a very cool project, which aims to elevate and celebrate unsung district leaders, give them a chance to connect with each other, and help folks in the field, well, learn from them.
You can check last year’s report, which includes a profile by Lauren of Vickie Reed, a Georgia superintendent who figured out how to capture student voice and use it to improve her schools, and one from me of Patricia Spradley, the chief of parent and community engagement in an urban Massachusetts district, who started a parent academy that teaches parents everything from how to help with homework to how to become a certified lifeguard. (Spradley was one of my absolute favorite interviews of the year.)
And then tell us who we should be writing about next by nominating someone here.
Thank you!