Time is the number one challenge for teachers to collaborate in instructing English-language learners, says the co-author of a book on how general education and ELL specialists can work together. The book, Collaboration and Co-teaching: Strategies for English Learners, published last year by Corwin Press, suggests ways teachers can create opportunities to meet during the school day. I haven’t seen the book, and I’m hoping that those “opportunities” to meet aren’t during teachers’ lunch breaks.
I came across an interview with the book’s authors, Maria Dove and Andrea Honigsfeld, at Ezinearticles.com.
The interview doesn’t give away much of the content of the book, but I think the authors are right in saying during the interview that few resources are available to help mainstream teachers and ELL specialists to collaborate effectively. Yet, the traffic to specific posts on this blog indicates educators of ELLs are wanting to know much more about co-teaching.
Meanwhile, the authors intend to come out with another book on co-teaching in 2011, which will be called Co-teaching and Other Collaborative Practices in the EFL/ESL Classroom: Rationale, Research, Reflection, and Recommendations, to be published by Information Age Publishing.
Readers, if you know of resources that provide insight about co-teaching, hit the comment button and tell the rest of us about them.