So, according to this New York Times story, Democratic super-delegates, as well as regular voters, are getting pressured into voting for Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. (and in some cases, rival Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y.) by their kids.
And apparently supporters are going after the Sponge Bob vote, via Web sites such as Yrmomma4obama, which includes pro-Obama text messages kids can send their parents (in English and Spanish!) The Yrmomma4obama Web site includes a list of reasons why kids should encourage their parents to vote for Obama ... none of which mention education. Obama’s own campaign Web site has a section for kids, although some of the language may be beyond that of the average 7-year-old (i.e. advice to “draw a picture of Sen. Obama or an ‘expression of democracy.’”)
There’s also a KidsforHillary site that mentions that “politicians controle [sic] the kind of schools we go to.” Presumably a push for schools to be better at teaching spelling?
Wonder whether either candidate will see this story and decide to start more actively courting the “kid” demographic ... a federal limit on homework, perhaps?