Here is a sampling of media-literacy resources for educators.
- Alliance for a Media Literate America, formerly the Partnership for Media Education, sponsors biennial National Media Education Conference.
- Center for Media Literacy provides workshops and resources for teaching media literacy.
- Jesuit Communication Project promotes media education throughout Candada.
- Just Think Foundation promotes media-literacy education.
- Media Literacy Clearinghouse provides links to articles, lesson plans, and state standards that deal with media literacy.
- Media Literacy Online Project offers links to articles, lesson plans, and state standards that deal with media literacy.
- National Telemedia Council offers workshops for teachers and publishes the Journal of Media Literacy.
- New Mexico Media Literacy Project provides curriculum and professional development for teaching media literacy.
Publications and Videos
- Changing the World Through Media Literacy, by Sue Lockwood Summers, published by Fulcrum Publishing, Golden, Colo., $18 plus $3 shipping; (800) 992-2908.
- Media Alert! 200 Activities To Create Media-Savvy Kids, by Sue Lockwood Summers, published by Media Alert!, Littleton Colo, $15 plus $3 shipping; (800) 986-5560, code 02.
- “View Smart to Vote Smart” is a video and pamphlet on interpreting political campaigns and advertisements, by Cable in the Classroom, free.
- The Web-Savvy Student, Betsy Hedberg, distributed by the Center for Media Literacy, Los Angeles, features lesson plans for middle and high school students, $19.95.