
‘Saturday Night Live’ Takes Up Betsy DeVos Nomination

By Mark Walsh — February 06, 2017 1 min read
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It was the last comedy show to the party, but NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” got around to mocking Betsy DeVos, the nominee for education secretary, on its Feb. 4 show.

SNL regular Kate McKinnon plays DeVos appearing at a Sean Spicer (played by Melissa McCarthy) White House press briefing. Although there is a brief mention of grizzly bears, a reporter in the skit asks the DeVos character for a further explanation of her understanding of test growth v. proficiency, one of the wonkier aspects of the nominee’s actual testimony to come in for comedy skewering.

The DeVos bit starts at about 5:45 of this 8-minute skit.

A version of this news article first appeared in the Education and the Media blog.