Education Opinion

Working Overtime

By Jessica Shyu — February 27, 2007 1 min read
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Today was definitely a four-letter word morning. I woke up 28 minutes before I had to be at work. It’s a 35 minute drive from Gallup to my school. I still needed to shower. And I had playground duty. (Luckily teachers have to arrive half an hour before school begins.)

But the most vexing of it all was that I had overslept dreaming about school. I even recall trying to stay asleep longer because I was in the middle of teaching a new word problem strategy. Apparently our new Big Goal for math problem solving had burrowed itself deep enough into my subconscious. I had been mulling over how to teach my kids to comprehend and calculate unit costs. In my dream, my students had reached that Aha! moment and understood how to calculate and compare the costs.

Hopefully this was a prophecy for things to come in fourth-period math class!

In the meantime, unfortunately, my students were running around under-supervised on the playground and I was 10 minutes late to work!

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