We’ve moved!
LeaderTalk began in February 2007 as the first group blog BY school leaders FOR school leaders. Since then it has become “the place to go” for insightful, thoughtful, reflective commentary about what it means to be a P-12 administrator today. LeaderTalk expresses the voice of the administrator, a voice that often goes unheard in this era of school reform.
LeaderTalk’s move to this new location is a joint venture between CASTLE and Education Week. We look forward to expanding our conversations to new audiences and to interacting with new readers. If you’re unfamiliar with LeaderTalk, we encourage you to read some of our posts at our previous location.
LeaderTalk is a vibrant online community of superintendents, principals, educational leadership professors, and central office administrators. We welcome new voices. If you think that you’d be a good writer for this blog - or know a school leader who might be - please contact us.
We’ve included some old posts from the second half of December to get you started. Happy reading!
Scott McLeod
Associate Professor & Director, CASTLE, Iowa State University