Please vote! I’m begging you. The country depends on you including voting in your day. Sounds elementary, but research on voting behavior tells us that folks who plan their day around voting are much more likely to actually vote.
I’ve been looking at polling data recently. In one poll, 79% of registered voters said they were going to the polls. Historically only 48% of this sample actually voted. People who stay at home lose elections for those they say they support.
You’d think that people who read EdWeek wouldn’t need a reminder to vote. But busy people often fail to vote because they didn’t plan their day around this consequential duty.
I cast my first presidential ballot for John Kennedy. In the decades since, I’ve never felt that the fate of the country pivoted on the top of the ballot as much as it does Tuesday.
Dash out of the budget meeting, give the kids fast food for dinner, turn in a draft instead of polished work, skip class...whatever it takes to elect a President, a Senate, a House, and all those down ballot races that need your support or opposition.