Education Opinion

Recommended Read: Wendy Kopp’s New Book

By Richard Whitmire — January 17, 2011 1 min read
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The book by the founder of Teach for America, A Chance to Make History, comes out on the 20th anniversary of TFA.

Kopp nicely captures the essential character of the three schools I profile in Why Boys Fail and explains why those schools like those are successful for all students (including boys). The schools in my book -- two charters, one of which is an all-boys school, and a traditional elementary school in Delaware -- benefit from “transformational” leadership coming from both teachers and principals.

The point here is that transformational leadership is more important than the structure, be it charter or single-sex. Not all single-sex programs are successful, and not all charters are successful. In the end, what helps boys is powerful teaching.

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