Education Opinion

Ode to Facebook

By LeaderTalk Contributor — April 19, 2009 1 min read
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I’m a techie,
Yes I am.
But Facebook,
I don’t give a damn.

I have my friends,
My family too,
Don’t need to be viewed
Like in a zoo.

Hey look at me
I’m great and proud.
My ACTIONS speak
More clear and loud.

Why aren’t you on?
Say he and she.
I don’t like it,
It’s not me.

But everyone’s on
And it’s really fun.
I don’t care
I’d rather run.

To sit and tell
The world ‘bout me
Is just not worth it
Don’t you see?

I’d rather text,
I’d rather talk.
It’s more fun
To take a walk.

Walk and talk
Or sit and chat
With real folk
‘Bout this and that.

You will find me
On a bike,
Or on a course,
Or on a hike.

You will find me
If you look,
But you won’t find
Me on Facebook!

I know, I know, it’s a great way to connect with old high school and college buddies and be up on everyone’s business. And that IS great, but the last thing I need to hear from one of my students is, “Dr. Flynn, I saw you on Facebook!” Seeing me at Target is one thing, seeing me on Facebook is another. It’s definitely a boundary issue that I would hope all educators think seriously of when creating their Facebook sites and inviting others and being invited by others to have access to it. I’ve had parents of students who have invited me to be a Facebook friend, and again, I believe that is stepping beyond the boundary.

Another reason I avoid the Facebook craze is that I spend far more time at a computer than I would like. I have an iMac, an iPhone, and an iPod. I read and reply to endless emails, read innumerable articles, and continuously research educational issues. I maintain the school website, write a blog, and type letters, memos, and articles. I do data charts and graphs, budgets, staffing, and have to take online surveys. I also keep my calendar electronically, bank online, schedule medical appointments, car maintenance, and record my daily exercise. Oh, and of course, I make that occasional purchase online. So, when people ask why I don’t join Facebook, I tell them I spend enough time sitting at a computer doing what I have to do. And honestly, it’s because I just can’t (nor do I care to) sit any longer than I absolutely have to. Life is too short, I say, get out and play!

By Nancy Flynn 4-19-09

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