Education Opinion

Morning Round-up March 21, 2007

By Margaret Paynich — March 21, 2007 1 min read
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‘No Child Left Behind’ losing steam CSM
Conservative Republicans in the House and Senate introduced bills last week that allow states to opt out of most of the law’s requirements, while keeping federal funding. Backers of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) say that move would gut the law.

Fighting Over When Public Should Pay Private Tuition for Disabled NYT
Almost seven million students nationwide receive special-education services, with 71,000 educated in private schools at public expense, according to the United States Department of Education. Usually school districts agree to pay for these services after conceding they cannot provide suitable ones.

Latest data security risk: Copiers eSchool News
As schools take steps to protect the security and integrity of data on their computer networks, experts warn they also should consider securing copiers and scanners that could be used to copy sensitive information.

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