Bush To Visit Indiana To Tout “No Child Left Behind” Indychannel.com
President George W. Bush will make a stop in southern Indiana in support of reauthorizing “No Child Left Behind.” Bush will visit an elementary school in New Albany on Friday afternoon. 6News will have a crew at the event.
Seeing red lowers test scores, study says Democrat & Chronicle
University of Rochester psychology research, done in collaboration with Germany’s University of Munich, has found that the color notably affects how people perform on some standardized tests. It all started with the idea that the red ink used by teachers in grading could have a lasting effect and be associated with failure, said Andrew J. Elliot, lead author of the study and a UR psychology professor.
Tornado Gave Alabama School Officials Hard Choice NPR WaPo
Tornadoes took at least 17 lives across the South Thursday, including five at a high school in Enterprise, Ala. Officials decided not to send students home by bus. Then the school took a direct hit and the roof collapsed.