Education Opinion

Morning Round-up February 13, 2007

By Margaret Paynich — February 13, 2007 1 min read
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Phone Ban Sought for School Bus Drivers AP
The American School Bus Council plans to issue guidelines Tuesday calling for a ban on drivers using cell phones when the bus is moving or when students are getting on or off.

Md. ‘Gum Game’ Used for 9 Years
Rockville Pregnancy Center, a faith-based organization that offers counseling and support to pregnant women as an alternative to abortion, was expelled from the schools in January after a parent alerted school officials that a speaker had asked students to take turns chewing a piece of gum.

Time for Daylight Savings patches eSchool News
Schools, businesses, and other organizations aren’t properly prepared for the new start of Daylight Savings Time, says a new report from technology research firm Gartner Inc.

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