Education Opinion

K-12 CTOs: Changing Roles Call for New Training

By Amanda Elias — November 06, 2013 1 min read
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On November 7, 2013, Education Week is hosting a free webinar of interest to K12 Administrators on the topic of chief technology officers (CTOs) and their role within school districts. Like technology itself, the job description of the district technology officer is changing rapidly--and often dramatically--as public education transforms around it, and through it. CTOs who take on leadership roles can help superintendents transform their districts.

The role of the CTO in school districts is evolving into one of the most important leadership positions in education, yet many who currently fill that job lack the skills and background to make the best decisions for the educators and students in the districts they serve. Some CTOs--or their district’s equivalent--come from an instructional background within a school system, but lack technical skills. Others display an abundance of technical knowledge, but don’t understand how children learn, or what teachers need in that process. Many district leaders perceive the CTO to be a “wires and pliers” expert, rather than a valued adviser who can provide guidance to help schools meet their educational goals.

Education Week’s “Closing the Leadership Gap: Finding the Right Chief Technology Officer for Your District” webinar, taking place on November 7, 2013, at 2 p.m. ET, will look at these disconnects; what superintendents and CTOs can do to be prepared for leadership demands in the digital age; and how superintendents can get the guidance they really need from their CTOs.

Find out all the “need to know” information about this webinar series in this Storify link below:

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