Here at K12BTR the goal is to engage different voices and different viewpoints in conversation about education policy. Previous guests include Michelle Rhee, Julian Vasquez-Heilig, Andy Smarick, and Paul Reville.
Yet while previous guests have had experience as classroom teachers, they are better known for other work. Michelle for her time as Chancellor of the Washington, DC schools and head of StudentsFirst; Julian for his work as a professor and activist; Andy for his work in government and think tanks; and Paul for his service as Secretary of Education in Massachusetts.
The latest guest on Beyond the Rhetoric is Mercedes Schneider—a Louisiana public school teacher (no relation).
Of course, she wears many other hats as well. Mercedes holds a Ph.D. in applied statistics and research methods. She is the author of A Chronicle of Echoes: Who’s Who in the Implosion of American Public Education. And she blogs constantly on both local and national education issues.
But she also brings the essential perspective of a working educator with first-hand experience. Consequently, though we will discuss issues like the transformation of New Orleans into a virtually all-charter district, we will also talk about ground-level realities.
So tune in for our conversation, which will run in the month of May. And, as always, feel free to suggest topics—either by emailing me or by Tweeting them to @Edu_Historian.