Education Opinion

Infographics: Because Tumblr Feeds are so 2010

By Tom Segal — December 02, 2012 1 min read
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The latest fad sweeping the Ed-Tech blogosphere seems to be that of infographics. These hybrid spreadsheet/cartoon/powerpoint presentations seem tailor made for the twitter generation whose attention is best met by quick bursts of text and bright colors, but they are often quite effective in conveying greater arguments through the targeted and succinct presentation of bits of evidence.

A new medium has been born.

The following represent a collection of some of the more interesting infographics out there. Please feel free to contribute some others in the comments section!

Envisioning the Future of Education Technology gives us an intricate look at the areas of development that will shape education in the near future and up to 2040. The map is divided by sections tied to “Virtual,” “Studio,” and “Classroom.”

The aptly named How to Search for Openly Licensed Educational Resources does just that, providing a step-by-step guide to professors and teachers looking to add a little OER to spice up the classroom. This particular solution involved the use of Creative Commons.

How the Internet is Revolutionizing Education presents a nice overview of the webs power to scale the learning experience. It is striking that with all the talk of the internet’s “potential” to change education, the amount of traction online ed has already made is astronomical.

Undergraduate Students and Technology demonstrates the ways that college students are actually using the software and social technologies available today.

Edudemic offered a similar piece with the Top 10 Education Infographics year to date in August.

What other cool and informative infographics to people know of?

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