1) Elizabeth Green drops the H-Bomb: Now NYC’s private schools get grades, too, based on the number of kids going to Harvard and the schools’ assets (here and here). Had we rated schools by the number of Starbucks in the neighborhood, what would the grades look like?
2) Poetic Justice: Joanne Jacobs recites Econometric Verse. Over at Campaign K-12, Michele McNeil argues that the single most important thing the next Prez can do for schools has nothing to do with education. And at the AFT blog, Ed wants you to dispense some blog-ilante justice by solving his riddle.
3) xoxo: Last week, Charlie Barone wanted me (dead) on a platter, but now he’s gone and written on the blogospheric bathroom wall about us. I thought that was embargoed until Valentine’s Day, C.
4) Big Q’s from A-Rus: Next week, I’ll swing at some of these:What Impact (or Benefit) From Surge of Education Think Tanks?, Do Funders Sink Educational Research, Too?, and Are Foundations Taking Over Yet? If you’ve got specific teaching questions, head over to So You Want To Teach? and ask Joel.
Enjoy the weekend, everyone!