Between this blog; my colleague, eduwonkette; Alexander Russo’s This Week in Education; and Andy Rotherham’s eduwonk, there’s been a great discussion going about about the relationships between right of center education policy allies, the extent to which those relationships are understood by others interested in public education policy, and whether and how they matters to the policymaking process.
The principals of those blogs are well-engaged, but this is a debate that would profit greatly from readers’ comments. Indeed, much of the debate consists of the protagonists’ assertions about you readers (including mine)!
What do you think? This isn’t like reading “for” and “against” in some print journal - this is interactive. You can have an influence on the debate. This is what the blogosphere should be all about!
Whether its just a sentence or a letter, I urge you to go to read the debate and discussion on these sites, choose any one, AND SAY SOMETHING!
Choose any of the below places to start.
Eduwonkette: It’s a Small World After All
This Week in Public Education: Charting The Education “Club”
Eduwonk: Stop The Presses! These People Know Each Other! And Sometimes They Even -Gasp- Work Together!
At some point you might visit the edbizbuzz series on education education policy marketing shops (not “think tanks”) referred to by eduwonkette starting here.