Welcome to the final day of our National Teacher Appreciation Week Series: Educators Who Inspire Educators!
While this may be the last day of the official week, we hope you will continue to honor and appreciate teachers every day.
Since it’s the last day, we have a twofer! Two teachers for one post! Woo hoo! From Singapore then back home again to the USA, let’s get to know these two inspiring educators:
Kelly McFadzen, Singapore, Singapore
Teaches: Elementary Art
Twitter handle: @kmcfadzen
Website: http://kmcfadzen.com/
Inpires: Jay Atwood
Why Jay is inspired by Kelly: “Everyone should know Kelly McFadzen. Although our teaching areas are far removed from each other, I always learn from what she is doing with her classes. Kelly never ceases to impress me. She teaches Elementary Art and strives to take a fresh approach to teaching and, in doing so, inspires students and gives them a voice through their art. You will not find a teacher with a bigger heart or a more creative mind.
One thing I love about Kelly is her passion to share. She is very active on Twitter, at regional art conferences and throughout our school community. She regularly makes use of some of the latest technologies and is not afraid to jump in and see how it goes. We all have something to learn from Kelly and I appreciate all that she does. Thank you, Kelly!”
Connect with Kelly on Twitter and learn more about her work and students!
Ann Feldmann, Bellevue, NE, USA
Teaches: K-12
Twitter handle: @annfeldmann1
Website: http://technologytools4teaching.blogspot.com
Inpires: Sue Gorman
Why Sue is inspired by Ann: “Ann is an innovative educator who is always learning, collaborating and listening. She creates and helps other to join local and global professional learning communities. She is a life-long learner, and is always ahead of the latest technologies! She works with teachers to bring about engaging lessons and share successes! She is truly one of the kindest people I know. I met Ann at an Apple Academy and have been so blessed to have her be a part of my PLN. She truly makes the world a better place for all learners! Everyone needs to follow Ann on twitter and subscribe to her blog. She makes me a better educator. You will learn so much from her kind friends! So honored to nominate her for my featured teacher! Thank you Ann! You make my heart smile by all the good you do!”
Connect with Ann on Twitter and learn more about her work and students!