Education Opinion

Curmudgucation Digest (November 2)

By Peter Greene — November 02, 2014 2 min read
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More tenure issues this week, as some states look for more ways to drive teachers out of the profession.

Tenure Is A Civil Rights Issue

Destroying tenure is one more way to rob the urban poor of the chance to get just as good an education as their wealthy counterparts.

Why Aren’t We Talking about Teacher Retention

It’s bizarre and backwards to keep talking as if the big problem in education is being able to fire bad teachers, when in fact the big problem is holding onto good ones.

PA Solicits Standards Feedback

Pennsylvania is giving everyone to provide feedback on the standards. See? It’s not hard at all!

MA Committed To Chasing Teachers Away

Some geniuses in Massachussets have decided that evaluations should be used not just to fire teachers, but to take their licenses away.

Slow Schools

Daniel Katz makes a great case for the educational equivalent of the slow foods movement.

CAP: CCSS Is for Ladies

In an exceptionally lazy piece, CAP tries to argue that the Core will somehow fix the gender gap.

CCSS: Runaway Train

Is it not strange that this nationally transformationally has not a soul actually in charge?

Education Is Not Medicine

“Standardized tests are just like tests at the doctor’s office,” say reformsters. “Baloney,” says I.

High Stakes Testing 2.0

Can we just stop pretending that there was ever any sort of resolve, intention, or inclination to get high stakes testing reined in and under control?

PARCC Is Magical

New Jersey’s acting education commissioner gives school chiefs their talking points for battling testing pushback. One is a lie, and the other is a fantasy.

NC Program To Drive Out Teachers Is Working

North Carolina has been working hard to convince teachers to leave the state. New numbers suggest the legislature’s hard work is paying off.

The Feds and College Money

The feds just can’t seem to decide whose interests they are looking out for when it comes to post-secondary education and the financing thereof.

Journeys and Destinations

One more argument against the use of standardized tests with children. It’s not just anti-educatoin. It’s anti-human being.

The Real Secret of Grit

What to know what grit really is, and how you really get it? Let me take a shot.

KnowledgeWorks: Your Large, Friendly Sibling

That whole cradle to career pipeline? These guys are really working on it.

So Sorry, Minneapolis Teachers

Minneapolis decides it will punish its teachers by publishing all the evaluation numbers in the paper, then decides to punish everybody by accompanying story with superintendent’s complete misreading of the data.

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