Testing, testing, Pearson annoying people, Whitney Tilson, and failing publishers. Also, I use my imagination to search for reformy answers.

The Pearson flap reminded us about all the test security, and that test security does not speak well of the test itself.
Why Critical Thinking Won’t Be on The Test
Standardized tests are never going to include critical thinking. Here’s why.
Spellings Remains Steadfastly Wrong
Margaret Spellings has has a decade to think about No Child Left Behind. She still loves it, and testing, just fine.
A writer floats a proposal for an education Yelp. Here’s why he’s probably going to be disappointed.
EdReports: Almost All Publishers Fail Common Core Math
EdReports surprises me by discovering that almost every major publisher flunked common core math book production.
Whitney Tilson Is Better Than You
Whitney Tilson and the DFER-style reformster mindset.
Charter Leeches Call for Help in PA
Charter operators do not care for the direction of the wind in PA.
Hoiw performance assessment can go wrong, and what it tells us about how testing has gone wrong.
A sad, dark view of human nature and value leads to nothing good for education
Rather than rant further about how wrong I think some reform programs are, I tried imagining how certain reform elements could work. The result is a six-part series.