Education Opinion

Curmudgucation Digest (March 1)

By Peter Greene — March 01, 2015 1 min read
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Common Core, truth, lies, belief and political expediency. It’s been a very deep week at Curmudgucation.

Russ Walsh: Checking the PARCC and SBA

Reading specialist Russ Walsh takes a look at the readability of the PARCC and SBA tests

Students As Vending Machines

When high stakes testing drives schools, the relationship with students is turned upside down.

Doublespeak Studies: “Student Achievement”

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Adaptive Students and Adaptive Tests

New types of tests means students get to find new ways to game the system.

Fiction, Charter Fiction, and Damned Lies

The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools tries to dispell some myths. Or disseminate some myths. One of those.

Sheep, Simplicity and Losing the Point

Does being good at school necessarily show excellence?

Schools Offer Teacher Test Bonuses

Tipp City Schools in Ohio is experimenting with merit pay. It’s one more example of how off track this initiative can get.

Teaching: Too Hard for Teachers

Hechinger Report warns us that under Common Core, teachers might actually try to make their own teaching materials. OMG! What shall we do??

Coleman’s CCSS Writing Style

An old CCSS promo video yields yet more insight into the misguided approach to writing favored by standards fans.

The Trouble with Belief

Believing in students has become one of the hot button topics of the public education debates.

Live by the sword...

Campbell Brown is miffed that politicians at CPAC threw Common Core under the bus. She can’t really be surprised.

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