Testing, testing, testing, and also, testing. Are we worried about anything else these days? Rowdy children in Newark! Oh, yeah. ESEA.

Georgia thuinks it might like some of that New Orleans style all charter action. Good luck with that.
Why Are Suburban Moms Agitated
The Atlantic runs an article full of last year’s pro-Core talking points.
The Governors Want Their Schools Back
NGA has its own ideas about how to rewrite ESEA. Mostly they would like the Secretary of Education to get stuffed.
The Very Best Policy Memo on Testing
The National Education Policy Center releases the absolute best paper about the Big Standardized Test
Super Secret Top Test Security
In which I take my super top secret pinky swear test security training for the state of Pennsylvania
Newark Students Occupy District Offices
Cami Anderson just wanted to have a nice evening of not going to district meetings. And she would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn’t been for those darn kids.
Has anybody really thought through what test-driven teacher accountability is going to do to student teaching?
Utah Does Not Love Test It Sold To Florida
Utah sold Florida a nifty CCSS test, but now they don’t want it themselves.
As the week proceeded, the Newark sit-in situation unfolded.
Yet another PARCC supporter tells her story, but it’s just another fairy tale.
Remember how we were going to have a national common assessment? Yeah, that’s not happening.
Cabin Fever and Search for Real Differences
In which Peter Cunningham and Rick Hess talk, and I try to decide if there are significant differences between the opposite ends of the political spectrum.
One other troubling item lurking in the PARCC practice items
ESEA: Time To Speak Out (Again)
A call to action on the House proposal for ESEA rewriting, plus the why and the how of acting.