Education Opinion

Call for Submissions: Youth Stories About Life Online

By Justin Reich — July 01, 2014 2 min read
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The Youth and Media Team at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society and UNICEF are partnering to create an ebook exploring youth perspectives of their life online. Young people have until July 15th to share a poem, comic, story, or other work that explores their experience of the Internet. A full description from Voices of Youth is below:

We all know that the Internet, digital media, and social networks have changed the way we learn, interact, and create change.

Now it’s time for you(th) to set the conversation and share their experiences.

The Youth and Media Team at theBerkman Center for Internet & Society and Voices of Youth are creating a forum for youth to get their voices heard about their online experience.

The best creative pieces (essays, drawings, paintings, collages, infographics, comics, poems, etc.) by youth about their experiences online will be included in the form of an e-book that is currently being developed and which will be published online later this year.

Your creative piece could explore some of these questions:

- What excites you most about the Internet?

- How has the Internet changed your life?

- What is the most influential online story you have come across?

- Who on the Internet has influenced you most?

- How does the internet make you feel connected? Have you ever felt like a part of an internet community? If so, what was that like?

- What positive changes have you witnessed in your community and/or country because of the internet?

- What role do web based mobile technologies play in your daily life?

- If you could add or take away one component of the Internet as it exists now, what would it be?

- What do you think is the greatest benefit the Internet grants to its users? How have you experienced this?

- If you could draw the Internet, what would it look like?

Written pieces can be in the form of a personal essay, a short narrative, and/or a poem. These should ideally be in English and should be between 500 and 1000 words. The visual art piece could be a drawing, a painting, collage, infographic, comic, video, etc.

Find out what we’re looking for and how to submit at: //www.digitallyconnected.org/how-to-submit/.

This open call is related to the “Digitally Connected” symposium. Find out more about the symposium here. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us atdigitallyconnected@cyber.law.harvard.edu.

Deadline for submissions is 15 July 2014.

The Berkman Center & UNICEF

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