Education Opinion

Blog Roundup: Best Of The Week (Partial Listing)

By Alexander Russo — March 09, 2007 1 min read
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Things have been relatively quiet in the edusphere, but here’s a roundup of some of the best blog posts of the week, including a little bit of back and forth between Sherman Dorn and Kevin Carey, and between Eduwonk and AFT John.
Merit Pay Chronicles: Kentucky Hoedown The Education Wonks
Kentucky is the latest state to kill an effort to implement a pay-for-performance plan for teachers.

Selling unproven software Joanne Jacobs
The government’s What Works Clearinghouse has rejected the validity of 75 percent of studies backing current software.

More Pre-K Pushed in NM, IL, MO, AL Richard Lee Colvin
New Mexico Lieutenant Gov. Diane Denish, one of the strongest forces behind the start-up of the pre-k program in her state in 2005, now wants the number of children served to be doubled.

Selling unproven software

Teaching Without Textbooks
Inside Higher Ed

They aren’t only too expensive, they are boring and your students will learn more without them, writes Rob Weir.

Blogging back and forth:

Freakonomics author fails history of econ 101 Sherman Dorn
Steven D. Levitt gets an “F” for understanding the history of his own discipline...

Tenure Wars TQATE
Steven Levitt of Freakonomics fame has some sensible ideas about tenure for college professors.

A Surprise in Iowa AFT Blog
Maybe meetings with constituents (and voters) will make legislators (and candidates) approach reauthorization of the law with an eye to getting it right instead of just rubber-stamping it.

Oh Please... Eduwonk
The NEA pays people to organize in places like Iowa so that candidates get asked a lot of questions about things like No Child Left Behind...it’s called UniServ.

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