Education Opinion

An Open Letter to Alex Rodriguez, New York Yankees

By LeaderTalk Contributor — February 19, 2009 1 min read
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Dear A-Rod,

I just can’t thank you enough. You have provided me with the perfect example to bestow upon my charges just when I really needed a new, fresh one. This example is not that liars and cheaters never prosper, because you certainly have prospered, but that the truth will always prevail. Kids just don’t believe they’ll ever get caught, especially if they bend the truth about their involvement. I’m sure you didn’t believe you’d get caught, either. I am continuously counseling students on how not owning up to their actions will catch up with them, explaining that not only does it tarnish their reputation for whatever unacceptable behavior they have engaged in, but how lying about it exponentially deepens the hole they are currently digging.

A-Rod, you have not only provided me with a perfect example, but you have provided yet more proof that even big stars like yourself are not immune to falling from grace. Not only did you engage in the illegal behavior, you lied about it as well. Your behavior is no different from many of my students here. Whether it’s about drugs, homework, cell phones, swearing at teachers, or steroids, the truth will prevail. Kids are always amazed at how I manage to get to the bottom of everything. Sometimes it takes a bit longer, as in your case, but in the end, justice is usually served.

Thanks for being a (not so) shining example. It’s one I’ll be able to use for some time.

Nancy Flynn

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