The one-year anniversary for my blog, Learning the Language, came and went while I was reporting on Iraqi refugee children in Jordan (the story will be out in Education Week next week).
But let me take this opportunity to thank all of you for being part of this effort to have a space on the Web for up-to-date news about English-language learners. I like the immediacy of the Web—how I don’t have to wait until the newspaper goes to press to report about something that comes across my desk. And let’s face it, some of my blog entries are so nerdy—so focused on issues familiar only to educators who work regularly with English-language learners—that it would be hard to pitch them for the print version.
I was encouraged to see that Learning the Language was recommended in a recent post on the community blog, In Service, of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. See “EdBLog Watch: ELLs in Widescreen.”
You’ve helped to make the blog worth reading. In a year, Learning the Language has had 225 blog entries—and 361 comments.
I do wish that some of you who regularly left comments on the blog before I set off for my monthlong journey in the Middle East (for both work and vacation) would participate in discussions on the blog again. I miss you.