Sometime this month, the Michele half of this blogging duo will give up obsessing about Race to the Top amendments, reading (almost!) every page of the 27 new waiver applications, and tracking Education Secretary Arne Duncan’s every move.
Because this half of Politics K-12 is having her second baby.
And again, this means I will miss some important news—though for a very good reason. Like whether Hawaii gets to keep its Race to the Top money. Whether Duncan really does intend to give a waiver to anyone who asks. And when exactly Mitt Romney will lock up the GOP nomination and force out his competition, which of course has K-12 ramifications. (With Baby No. 1 I missed the Round 2 winners of Race to the Top by exactly one week, and very clearly remember staring blurry-eyed at my phone when I got a text message from a colleague with the list of winners...and thinking “Hawaii??!!! Am I seeing this right?”)
Above all, this means Alyson—our resident Congressional expert—will be flying solo for a few months on the blog. (So it’s a good thing Congress isn’t going to reauthorize that law anytime soon!) She’ll have her hands full monitoring School Improvement Grants (one of her favorite topics), waivers, the presidential election, and anything else federal that comes her way. So please, help her out. Send her lots of tips!