NYC Educator recounts a day spent trying to convince administrators that he is, indeed, himself.
I was in my trailer, teaching something, when the phone rang. I picked it up. "This is Miss Grundy from the switchboard. Is this NYC Educator?" "Yes it is." "Well I just sent a kid to your trailer with a coverage, and he says you told him you weren't you." "Well, that can't be," I assured her. "I am most certainly me." "AREN'T I ME?" I asked my beginning ESL class. "Yes, teacher, you are you." they called out, with varying levels of enthusiasm.
A few minutes later, the phone rings again. It was the APO.
This is Seymour Blatz. I understand you refused a coverage."
The conversation continues:
Miss Grundy says you've been telling her monitors you aren't you." "Well, Mr. Blatz, I am most certainly me. AREN'T I ME, CLASS?" Screams and catcalls and "YES TEACHER YOU ARE YOU!" "Okay, Mr. Educator. We'll try and find out who that person is." "Thank you Mr. Blatz. Frankly, I'm a little upset about this character walking around claiming not to be me." "I'll call security," he assured me. "Thank you Mr. Blatz." The bell rang.
We believe you, Mr. Educator.