For those of you who are really into student motivation (as I assume most of you are), I highly suggest that you set aside a good couple of hours to explore all the online features of this month’s issue of Educational Leadership. And once you’ve read through all that, you should get your hands on a physical copy of the magazine and read the rest of the articles. Because--I am not joking--all of the articles in this issue are about student motivation.
There are articles about motivating kids to read, motivating kids with technology, how to keep the “flame of motivation” burning in each student, how to motivate “reluctant learners” and apathetic students, and how to connect with and motivate students with emotional difficulties. This story talks about how to motivate students in spite of high-stakes testing, and this article outlines a survey of high school students all about motivation and engagement.
There is absolutely too much for me to summarize here, so if you can, pick up a copy and read through these thoughtful and informative articles for yourself.