A story about Arizona in the “State of the States” section of Education Week’s Technology Counts 2005 report contained errors because of inaccurate information provided by a state official. A corrected version of the story is now on the Web at http://www. edweek.org/ew/toc/2005/05/05/index.html.
An item in the Capitol Recap section (Union Unhappy Over School Aid) of the May 11, 2005, issue of Education Week incorrectly stated the makeup of the Idaho legislature. The Senate has 28 Republicans and seven Democrats; the House has 57 Republicans and 13 Democrats.
An On Assignment story about slam poetry (Outsiders’ Art) in the May 18 issue incorrectly identified the school where Dominic Geinoski teaches. It is University City High School in University City, Mo.
An article in the State Capitals section of the May 25 issue (Florida Gains Flexibility on NCLB Provisions incorrectly reported the number of schools in Florida that made adequate yearly progress last year. The correct figure is 719. For a subgroup in Florida to count for purposes of making AYP, it must have at least 30 students and represent 15 percent of the total school population, or have at least 100 students.