

September 21, 2009 18 min read
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October 2009

11-13 Gifted Education: Annual Fall Gifted Conference, sponsored by the Ohio Association for Gifted Children, for teacher educators, at the Hilton Easton in Columbus, Ohio. Contact: Ann Sheldon, Ohio Association for Gifted Children, 501 Morrison Rd., Suite 103, Gahanna, OH 43230; (614) 475-4416; fax: (614) 337-9286; e-mail:; Web site:

14 Arts Education: Course for Teachers: Poetry and Music, Session 1, sponsored by The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, for teachers, at The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington. Contact: The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 2700 F St. N.W., Washington, DC 20566; (800) 444-1324; e-mail:; Web site:

15-17 Arts Education: Story and Film Workshop, sponsored by the Interlochen College of Creative Arts, for teachers, at the Interlochen Center for the Arts in Interlochen, Mich. Contact: Matthew Wiliford, Interlochen College of Creative Arts, 4000 M-137, P.O. Box 199, Interlochen, MI 49643; (231) 276-7387; fax: (231) 276-5237; e-mail:; Web site:

15-17 English: 2009 FCTE Institute for Professional Development, sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English, for reading specialists, teacher educators, and teachers, at the Renaissance Orlando Hotel Airport in Orlando, Fla. Contact: Florida Council of Teachers of English; (217) 328-3870; e-mail:; Web site:

16-17 History/Social Studies: LCSS Annual Conference, sponsored by the Louisiana Council for the Social Studies, for administrators, teacher educators, and teachers at the Baton Rouge Marriott in Baton Rouge, La. Contact: Jennifer Owen Powers, Louisiana Council for the Social Studies, 2101 N. Third St., Room 4-234, Baton Rouge, LA 70802; (225) 219-4534; e-mail:

16-17 Student Behavior: Linking Classroom Behavior and Domestic Violence, sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Stout, for administrators, counselors, and teachers, at the University of Wisconsin-Stout in Menomonie, Wis. Contact: Outreach Services, University of Wisonsin-Stout, P.O. Box 790, Menomonie, WI 54751; (715) 232-2693; fax: (715) 232 3385; e-mail:; Web site:

19 Arts Education: Course for Teachers: Exploring Oral Histories Through Drama, Session 1, sponsored by The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, for teachers, at The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington. Contact: The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 2700 F St. N.W., Washington, DC 20566; (800) 444-1324; e-mail:; Web site:

21-23 English: FUNdamentals: Humor, Imagination, and Inspiration, sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English, for reading specialists, teacher educators, and teachers, at The Desmond Hotel in Albany, N.Y. Contact: New York State English Council, 10 Lois Court, Albany, NY 12205; (217) 328-3870; fax: (217) 278-3761; e-mail:; Web site:

22 Arts Education: Course for Teachers: Portraiture as Biography, Session 1, sponsored by The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, for teachers, at The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington. Contact: The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 2700 F St. N.W., Washington, DC 20566; (800) 444-1324; e-mail:; Web site:

22-23 Leadership: Leadership Institute, sponsored by Core Knowledge Foundation, for teachers, at the Hilton Garden Inn in Charlottesville, Va. Contact: Sheila White, Core Knowledge Foundation, 801 E. High St., Charlottesville VA 22902; (800) 238-3233, fax: (434) 977-0021; e-mail:; Web site:

22-24 Gifted Education: 13th Virginia Conference for the Gifted, sponsored by the Virginia Association for the Gifted, for teacher educators, at the Williamsburg Marriott in Williamsburg, Va. Contact: Liz Nelson, Virginia Association for the Gifted, P.O. Box 26212, Richmond, VA 23260; (804) 355-5945; fax: (804) 355-5137; e-mail:; Web site:

22-25 Multicultural Education: 40th Annual Convention, sponsored by the National Indian Education Association, for administrators, community members, counselors, parents, reading specialists, researchers, school board members, students, teacher educators, and teachers, at the Midwest Airlines Center in Milwaukee. Contact: Michael Woestehoff, National Indian Education Association, 110 Maryland Ave. N.E., Suite 104, Washington, DC 20002; (202) 544-7290; fax: (202) 544-7293; e-mail:; Web site:

22-25 Science: California Science Education Conference, sponsored by the California Science Teachers Association, for administrators, parents, students, teacher educators, and teachers, at the Palm Springs Convention Center in Palm Springs, Calif. Contact: Jessica Lewis, California Science Teachers Association, 3800 Watt Ave., Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95821; (916) 979-7004; fax: (916) 979-7023; e-mail:; Web site:

23 Special Education: ASPEN’s Annual Fall Conference, sponsored by ASPEN-Asperger Syndrome Education Network, for teachers, at the Hilton Woodbridge in Iselin, N.J. Contact: Lori Shery, ASPEN-Asperger Syndrome Education Network, 9 Aspen Circle, Edison, NJ 08820; (732) 321-0880; fax: (732) 744-1622; e-mail:; Web site:

23-24 Reading: For the Love of Literacy: Bridging the Gap Between Imagination and Legislation, sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English, for reading specialists, teacher educators, and teachers, at the Crowne Plaza at the Crossings in Warwick, R.I. Contact: Debbie Woelflein, New England Association of Teachers of English; (217) 328-3870; fax: (217) 278-3761; e-mail:; Web site:

23-25 English: Asking the Right Questions: Engaging Today’s Learners, sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English, for reading specialists, teacher educators, and teachers, at the Delta Burnaby Hotel and Conference Centre in Burnaby, Canada. Contact: British Columbia English Teachers of English Language Arts; (217) 328- 3870; e-mail:; Web site:

25-27 Achievement: 2009 Texas ASCD Annual Conference, sponsored by the Texas ASCD, for administrators, teacher educators, and teachers, at the Embassy Suites in Frisco, Texas. Contact: Carlie Wishnewsky, Texas ASCD, 1610 Rio Grande St., Suite 451, Austin, TX 78664; (512) 477-8200; fax: (512) 477-8215; e-mail:; Web site:

27 Curriculum: Active Learning Classrooms: Everyone’s Invited!, sponsored by the New England League of Middle Schools, for administrators, counselors, teacher educators, and teachers, at Shapleigh Middle School in Kittery, Maine. Contact: Karin Wilmarth, New England League of Middle Schools, 460 Boston St., Suite 4, Topsfield, MA 01983; (978) 887-6263; fax: (978) 887-6504; e-mail:; Web site:

28-30 Science: Conference on Science Education, sponsored by the National Science Teachers Association, for teacher educators, at the Kansas City Convention Center in Kansas City, Mo. Contact: Beverly Shaw, NSTA, 1840 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201; (703) 312 9232; e-mail:; Web site:

28-30 Teachers: The National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality’s Fourth Annual What Works Conference, sponsored by Learning Point Associates, for state policymakers, at The Fairmont in Washington. Contact: Kathleen Hayes, Learning Point Associates, 20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 1231, Chicago, IL 60606; (312) 288-7600; fax: (312) 288-7601; e-mail:; Web site:

28-Nov. 1 Multicultural Education: 19th Annual International Conference, sponsored by the National Association for Multicultural Education, for administrators, community members, counselors, parents, reading specialists, researchers, school board members, school nurses, state policymakers, students, teacher educators, teachers, and technology personnel, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Denver. Contact: Tasha Lebow, National Association for Multicultural Education, 5272 River Rd., Suite 535, Bethesda, MD 20816; (301) 951-0022; fax: (301) 951-0023; e-mail:; Web site:

29 Administrators: Professional Learning Communities: Culture Not Program, sponsored by the Association of California School Administrators, for administrators, teacher educators, and teachers, at the ACSA Educational Services Office in Ontario, Calif. Contact: Kelly Moreno, ACSA Educational Services Department, 1029 J St., Suite 500, Sacramento, CA 95814; (916) 329-3843; fax: (916) 290-0417; e-mail:; Web site:

29-31 Character Education: National Forum on Character Education, sponsored by the Character Education Partnership, for administrators, counselors, researchers, school board members, teacher educators, and teachers, at the Hilton Mark Center Hotel in Alexandria, Va. Contact: Rebecca Sipos, Character Education Partnership, 1025 Connecticut Ave., Suite 1011, Washington, DC 20036; (202) 296-7743; fax: (202) 296-7779; e-mail:; Web site:

29-31 Science: Conference on Science Education, sponsored by the National Science Teachers Association, for teacher educators, at the Minneapolis Convention Center in Minneapolis. Contact: Beverly Shaw, NSTA, 1840 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201; (703) 312 9232; e-mail:; Web site:

30-31 Multicultural Education: AHETEMS Teacher Program, sponsored by Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science, for teachers, at the Marriott Wardman Hotel in Washington. Contact: Berenice Rodriguez, AHETEMS, 416 Yates St., Nedderman Hall, Room 619, Arlington, TX 76019; (817) 272-1116; e-mail:; Web site:

November 2009

1-3 Curriculum: National Career Academy Conference, sponsored by the National Career Academy Coalition Inc., for teachers, at the Loew’s Hotel in Philadelphia. Contact: Jan Struebing, Conference Chairperson, NCAC, 260 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19102; (267) 765-2309; e-mail:; Web site:

5-6 Student Behavior: 2009 Fall Conference on Programs for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, sponsored by the Behavioral Institute for Children and Adolescents, for teachers, at the Sheraton Minneapolis West in Minnetonka, Minn. Contact: Melissa Knoll, Behavioral Institute for Children and Adolescents, 3535 Lexington Ave. N., Suite 163, Arden Hills, MN 55126; (651) 484-5510; fax: (651) 483-3879; e-mail:; Web site:

5-7 Libraries: Young Adult Literature Symposium, sponsored by the Young Adult Library Services Association, for reading specialists, teacher educators, and teachers, at the Albuquerque Marriott in Albuquerque, N.M. Contact: Nichole Gilbert, Young Adult Library Services Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 280-4387; fax: (312) 280-5276; e-mail:; Web site:

5-8 Gifted Education: NAGC Annual Convention & Exhibition, sponsored by the National Association for Gifted Children, for administrators, community members, counselors, parents, reading specialists, researchers, school board members, state policymakers, teacher educators, and teachers, at the America’s Center/Renaissance St. Louis Grand Hotel in St. Louis. Contact: Derrick Johnson, NAGC, 1707 L St. N.W., Suite 550, Washington, DC 20036; (202) 785-4268; fax: (202) 785-4248; e-mail:; Web site:

6-7 Learning Disabilities: Attention Deficit Disorders and Associated Conditions, sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Stout, for administrators, counselors, and teachers, at the University of Wisconsin-Stout in Menomonie, Wis. Contact: Outreach Services, University of Wisconsin-Stout, P.O. Box 790, Monomonie, WI 54751; (715) 232-2693; fax: (715) 232-3385; e-mail:; Web site:

9-10 Teachers: National Symposium on Differentiated Compensation in Education, sponsored by Battelle for Kids, for administrators, researchers, school board members, state policymakers, and teachers, at the Houston Marriott West Loop by the Galleria in Houston. Contact: Rick Studer, Battelle for Kids, 1160 Dublin Rd., Suite 500, Coulmbus, OH 43215; (614) 481-3141; fax: (614) 481-8997; e-mail:; Web site: www.

11-13 Science: Conference on Science Education, sponsored by the National Science Teachers Association, for teacher educators, at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore. Contact: Beverly Shaw, NSTA, 1840 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201; (703) 312 9232; e-mail:; Web site:

12-14 Health and Safety: The Social Justice Answer: Transforming a Youth Culture of Bullying, sponsored by The Ben Marion Institute for Social Justice Inc., for counselors, at Oglethrope University in Atlanta. Contact: Irma Starr, The Ben Marion Institute for Social Justice Inc., 985 Citadel Drive N.E., Atlanta, GA 30324; (678) 468-3232; e-mail:; Web site:

12-14 Science: Conference on Science Education, sponsored by the National Science Teachers Association, for teacher educators, at the Greater Ft. Lauderdale/Broward County Convention Center in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Contact: Beverly Shaw, NSTA, 1840 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201; (703) 312 9232; e-mail:; Web site:

13-15 History/Social Studies: 89th NCSS Annual Conference, sponsored by the National Council for the Social Studies, for administrators, teacher educators, and teachers, at the Georgia World Congress Center and Omni Hotel at CNN Center in Atlanta. Contact: David Bailor, NCSS, 8555 16th St., Suite 500, Silver Spring, MD 20910; (301) 588-1800; (301) 588-2049; e-mail:; Web site:

16 Arts Education: Course for Teachers: Documentation, Session 1, sponsored by The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, for teachers, at The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington. Contact: The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 2700 F St. N.W., Washington, DC 20566; (800) 444-1324; e-mail:; Web site:

16-18 Achievement: Ready to Learn Conference, sponsored by the EduAlliance Network, for administrators, community members, counselors, researchers, school board members, state policymakers, students, teacher educators, and teachers, at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel in Hollywood. Contact: EduAlliance Network; (831) 425-0299; e-mail:; Web site:

17-18 Reading: Literacy Summit with Janet Allen, sponsored by the New England League of Middle Schools, for teacher educators, at the Sturbridge Host Hotel & Conference Center in Sturbridge, Mass. Contact: Karin Wilmarth, New England League of Middle Schools, 460 Boston St., Suite 4, Topsfield, MA 01983; (978) 887-6263; fax: (978) 887-6504; e-mail:; Web site:

18-19 English-Language Learners: TEAM Work Symposium: Teaching ELLs with Academics in Mind, sponsored by Minnesota State University Moorhead Continuing Studies, for teachers, at Minnesota State University Moorhead in Moorhead, Minn. Contact: Jolene Richardson, MSU Moorhead Continuing Studies, 1104 Seventh Ave. S., Moorhead, MN 56563; (218) 477-2394; fax: (218) 477-5030; e-mail:

18-21 Multicultural Education: Forging New Pathways for Diversity and Inclusion, sponsored by the National MultiCultural Institute, for administrators, counselors, school board members, school nurses, state policymakers, teacher educators, and teachers, at the Marriott Crystal City in Arlington, Va. Contact: Nate Thomas, National MultiCultural Institute, 3000 Connecticut Ave., Suite 438, Washington, DC 20008; (202) 438-0700; fax: (202) 483-5233; e-mail:; Web site:

18-21 Special Education: TASH 2009 Annual Conference, sponsored by TASH, for administrators, community members, counselors, parents, reading specialists, researchers, school board members, school nurses, state policymakers, students, teacher educators, teachers, and technology personnel, at the Westin Convention Center Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh. Contact: Mary Staley, TASH; (202) 540-0920; e-mail:; Web site:

19-22 English: Once and Future Classics: Reading Between the Lines, sponsored by National Council of Teachers of English, for administrators, reading specialists, researchers, teacher educators, teachers, and technology personnel, at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia. Contact: Customer Service, National Council of Teachers of English, 111 W. Kenyon Rd., Urbana, IL 61801; (877) 369-6283; fax: (217) 328-9645; e-mail:; Web site:

20-22 Foreign Languages: Annual Convention and World Languages Expo, sponsored by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, for administrators and teachers, at the San Diego Convention Center and Marriott San Diego Hotel in San Diego. Contact: The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 1001 N. Fairfax St., Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314; (703) 894-2900; fax: (703) 894-2905; e-mail:; Web site:

22-24 English: Conference on English Leadership Annual Conference, sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English, for administrators, state policymakers, teacher educators, and teachers, at the Philadelphia Marriott in Philadelphia. Contact: Felisa Mann, NCTE, 111 W. Kenyon Rd., Urbana, IL 61803; (217) 278-3607; e-mail:; Web site:

23 Arts Education: Course for Teachers: Poetry and Music, Session 2, sponsored by The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, for teachers, at The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington. Contact: The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 2700 F St. N.W., Washington, DC 20566; (800) 444-1324; e-mail:; Web site:

30-Dec. 2 Technology: Annual Technology in Education Conference, sponsored by The Virginia Society for Technology in Education, for administrators, school board members, teacher educators, teachers, and technology personnel, at the Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center in Roanoke, Va. Contact: Daniel Arkin, The Virginia Society for Technology in Education, P.M.B. 149-9702, Gayton Rd., Richmond, VA 23238; (804) 320-3424; fax: (831) 597-5648; e-mail:; Web site:

December 2009

1 Arts Education: Course for Teachers: Portraiture as Biography, Session 2, sponsored by The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, for teachers, at The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington. Contact: The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 2700 F St. N.W., Washington, DC 20566; (800) 444-1324; e-mail:; Web site:

1-2 Instruction: Personalization of Learning-In the Classroom and in Advisory, sponsored by the New England League of Middle Schools, for administrators, counselors, researchers, school board members, teacher educators, and teachers, at Melrose Veterans Memorial Middle Schools in Melrose, Mass. Contact: Karin Wilmarth, New England League of Middle Schools, 460 Boston St., Suite 4, Topsfield, MA 01983; (978) 887-6263; fax: (978) 887-6504; e-mail:; Web site:

2-3 Reading: Elementary Reading Academy, sponsored by the Consortium for Reading Excellence, for administrators, reading specialists, teacher educators, and teachers, at the Marriott Springhill Suites in Boise, Idaho. Contact: Jessica Lombardi, CORE, 2650 Ninth St., Suite 220, Berkeley, CA 94710; (888) 249-6155; e-mail:; Web site:

3-5 Science: Conference on Science Education, sponsored by the National Science Teachers Association, for teacher educators, at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix. Contact: Beverly Shaw, NSTA, 1840 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201; (703) 312 9232; e-mail:; Web site:

5-9 Professional Development: 41st Annual Conference of the National Staff Development Council, sponsored by the National Staff Development Council, for administrators, counselors, and teachers, at the Cervantes Convention Center at America’s Center in St. Louis. Contact: Leslie Miller, NSDC, 504 S. Locust St., Oxford, OH 45056; (800) 727-7288; fax: (513) 523-0638; e-mail:; Web site:

8-10 Leadership: Leadership Development Series-Building Stronger Partnerships with Parents and the Community, sponsored by Learning Point Associates, for teachers, at the SEDL Offices in Austin, Texas. Contact: Jamie Stephanidis, Learning Point Associates, 20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 1213, Chicago, IL 60606; (312) 288-7600; fax: (312) 288-7601; e-mail:; Web site:

8-12 Achievement: Blueprint for Excellence National Conference, sponsored by Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence Inc., for administrators, community members, parents, school board members, state policymakers, students, teacher educators, and teachers, at Disney’s Contemporary Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Fla. Contact: Bart Teal, Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, 136 Lakeside Rd., Chapin, SC 29036; (803) 345-5415; fax: (803) 932-2323; e-mail:; Web site:

27-30 English: MLA 2009 Annual Convention, sponsored by the Modern Language Association, for teachers, at the Philadelphia Marriott and Loews Philadelphia in Philadelphia. Contact: Lorenz Tomassi, MLA, 26 Broadway, Third Floor, New York, NY 10004; (646) 576-5000; e-mail:; Web site:

A version of this article appeared in the October 01, 2009 edition of Teacher PD Sourcebook


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