An article published today in The Arizona Republic, “Money at heart of English-learning fight,” gives an update to the long-standing controversy and court case in Arizona regarding how much the state must pay to educate its English-language learners.
Republican legislative leaders in the state have appealed a U.S. district judge’s ruling in Flores v. Arizona that the state legislature’s plan for funding programs for ELLs doesn’t meet federal law. (You can find my most recent posts on the court case here and here.)
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco is expected to begin a hearing on the case today.
Dec. 5 update: A Dec. 5 Arizona Republic article tells about what happened during the hearing. “It seems to me that if Israel and Palestine can agree to sit down, maybe you folks could, too,” a senior judge from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals told the opposing parties in Flores v. Arizona, according to the article.