Posted by guest blogger Sean Cavanagh:
We at Ed Week are hosting an online “chat,” at 2 p.m. today in which a pair of experts on school budgets and finance will be answering your questions about districts’ struggles during the aftermath of “the Great Recession.” You can submit your questions here.
The discussion follows on some of the topics put forward in Ed Week’s newly released edition of Quality Counts, which focuses on the financial crisis. In that special issue, Ed Week’s Ian Quillen weighs in with a story about schools’ efforts to find savings and innovation, during these tough times, through technology.
Our guests are Noelle Ellerson, of American Association of School Administrators, who can offer an on-the-ground perspective on what schools are going through, and Donald J. Boyd, of Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government, who can speak to some of the big-picture economic forces at work. So send in your questions!