Standards & Accountability

What Should a Library Media Specialist Know and Be Able to Do?

By Mary Ann Zehr — November 16, 2009 1 min read
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The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards has formed a committee to revise its standards for what an ideal library media specialist should know and be able to do. Already, more than 2,100 teachers nationwide have gotten National Board certification in the field of library media.

I’m familiar with the National Board, but it is news to me that the board applies its outstanding educator label to librarians as well as classroom teachers.

The committee to revise the existing standards includes a librarian from a private school, Jesuit High School in Portland, Ore., and from a university “ischool,” the iSchool at Drexel University in Philadelphia, as well as from a number of public schools or districts.

The National Board expects to have a draft of the standards ready for public comment in late January, and the final standards are expected to be implemented later in 2010.

A version of this news article first appeared in the Curriculum Matters blog.