U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan just announced the Department of Education will hold four community college regional summits to discuss best practices for college completion.
The summits will be held over the next two months and bring together 150 participants representing community colleges, business, industry, philanthropy, labor, government, and students from the various regions. Governors, mayors, or community college presidents will kick off the event in each location.
Here’s the line up:
Feb. 28- Community College of Philadelphia: “Transitioning Adult Learners to Community Colleges and the Workforce”
March 9 - Lone Star College System, Houston: “Successful Transfer Programs”
March 23 -Ivy Tech Community College, Indianapolis: “Partnerships Between Community Colleges and Employers”
April 15 - San Diego Community College District, San Diego: “Exemplary Programs for Veterans, Military Members, and Families”
The regional summits are intended to continue the dialogue started at the White House Summit on Community Colleges last fall.