Is a picture about the Common Core State Standards worth a thousand words—or even 140 characters?
When you have a free moment, check out the steady flow of tweets featuring the #CommonCore hashtag. What may strike you is the images people use to try to make their point about the common core. Sometimes it’s not clear what point they’re trying to make with the pictures that include everything from fast food to a mythical multi-headed beast.

Earlier this year, the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania released a study of how social media impacted the debate over the common core. That study found, among other things, that the online debate about the standards has come to be a proxy for broader disagreements about where American education should be headed.
But whatever the quality of the common-core arguments you see on Twitter, tweets using images can often get a lot more attention than tweets without them. And if you check out #CommonCore tweets, you’ll see many of the images tweeted and retweeted over and over.
So what are the pictures people use on Twitter to highlight their feelings about the common core?
An informal and unscientific survey of the images over several days reveals that images accompanying common-core tweets are largely (and sometimes virulently) negative about the standards. However, sometimes the tweets and the images often don’t have a substantive connection to the common core, or else they bring up other K-12 policy issues beyond the common core. Data-mining, for example, isn’t a part of the standards.
My Precious ... Testing
Pop culture references abound. There’s this tweet comparing the testing company Pearson to Sauron, the villain of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy who has an all-seeing eye:
@SenatorKirk The Trojan Horse Called #CommonCore Rewrites U.S. History! #StopCommonCore #StopECAA #PJNET
— Darcy (@dkdarce) July 16, 2015
And here, the Three Stooges have been “rebranded” to air three major complaints about the standards and the aligned assessments:
@SenKaineOffice We’re parents defending our children against #CommonCore. #StopCommonCore #StopECAA #PJNET
— #DyingToSelf (@Crossbearer1956) July 10, 2015
Sometimes the images match up nicely with education themes. This anti-common-core image pays homage to the classic excuse for not turning in homework:
@PattyMurray 500 Early Childhood Experts concerned about #CommonCore. #StopCommonCore #StopECAA #PJNET
— Sharon Kershaw (@sharon4503) July 10, 2015
In fact, animal images abound. Below, for example, is a tweet featuring a frog that evokes instant pity, as well as, perhaps, instant ramen:
@SenThadCochran The Trojan Horse Called #CommonCore Rewrites U.S. History! #StopCommonCore #StopECAA #PJNET
— Dan Eubanks (@dan4staterep) July 10, 2015
Here’s an image of the common core frightening this poor cat, as well as students:
Crossbearer1956: SenThomTillis If #CommonCore is so great, then sell it at lemonade stands. #StopCommonCore #StopE...
— Sir_Max (@Sir_Max) July 10, 2015
And finally, it’s not an animal per se, but the Lernaean hydra from Greek mythology has been revived here to demonstrate the many supposed ills of the standards:
@SenatorLankford #CommonCore based on flawed belief that big govt knows best. #StopCommonCore #StopECAA #PJNET
— Teri Sasseville (@TeriGRight) July 16, 2015
Is Common Core a Big Mac, Gruel, or Three Fried Eggs?
Many of the tweets appear to be conservatives trying to rally other conservatives to oppose the standards; as such, GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush, a high-profile supporter of the common core, gets a lot of Twitter criticism through images like this one:
#KidsAreLearning To take little joy in school. #commoncore #optout
— Opt Out Pinellas (@OOPinellas) July 17, 2015
Here’s an image arguing that the common core is advertised as healthy for kids even though it’s an artery-clogging menace:
@SenatorEnzi #CommonCore is #JunkScience. #StopCommonCore #StopECAA #PJNET
— Tamara Carlone (@T2CPA) July 10, 2015
Speaking of advertising campaigns, if you enjoyed the “This is your brain on drugs” push, here’s an anti-common-core Twitter image for you:
@BillCassidy If #CommonCore is so great, then sell it at lemonade stands. #StopCommonCore #StopECAA #PJNET
— Kristina Toddy (@TinaToddy) July 16, 2015
Zombies Trumpet the Common Core
Then there are the many images of children, often in distress or under some malign influence. Here’s a “Children of the Corn” reference for fans of the Stephen King novel and subsequent horror film:
@SenKaineOffice 500 Early Childhood Experts concerned about #CommonCore. #StopCommonCore #StopECAA #PJNET
— Cora Brush (@CoraBrush1) July 10, 2015
And the creativity of a child being obscured by standardized tests is the subject of this “then and now” image about musical skill:
@RandPaul #CommonCore - it’s school indoctrination! #StopCommonCore #StopECAA #PJNET
— Kristina Toddy (@TinaToddy) July 16, 2015
But some of the tweets ... well, I haven’t seen anyone yet explain how this is connected to the common core:
#chrisbrownx #commoncore Skin #whitening - huge market ~ new: Skin Whitening Forever Is
— (@GraceMi60400254) July 20, 2015
Meet My Friend Obamacare
Waiting for an image from a tweet that’s positive about the common core? Here’s Carrie Heath Phillips of the Council of the Chief State School Officers, which along with the National Governors Association oversaw the common core’s creation:
This is what new #commoncore tests look like. Number lines are so helpful to kids’ math understanding. @PARCCPlace
— CarrieHeathPhillips (@cheathphillips) July 20, 2015
You may notice that most of the tweets I highlighted are directed at members of Congress. In the version of reauthorized federal education law passed by the House of Representatives, members adopted an amendment clarifying that states could drop the common core with no penalty from Washington. But if anti-common-core activists behind these and other image-heavy tweets were hoping for a federal ban of the standards, they were left very disappointed.
At the state level, common-core repeal efforts have also fallen completely flat this year. Of the 46 states that originally adopted the standards, just three have backed out so far. To the extent the tweets really target testing and other K-12 issues, they might find a little bit more solace.
So what do we make of these images? Maybe one conclusion is that it’s a really difficult, if not impossible job to try to capture a complex policy issue like the common core in a single collar-grabbing Twitter image, whether you like the policy issue or not. Perhaps some of these images are worth a thousand words, but it might take a lot more than that to have a nuanced, substantive debate about the common core.
Of course, #CommonCore doesn’t have a monopoly on these attempts at powerful political imagery. Here’s one final Twitter image. This one is about health care, not education. But it’s expressing opposition to a major policy initiative. And like many of the common-core tweets with images, it also involves a student:
So, this is embarrassing: It takes just one hilarious analogy to quash #HuffPo dunce’s #Obamacare praise
— betseyross (@betseyross) July 10, 2015
Have I missed any particularly eye-catching images on Twitter about the common core? Point me to them in the comments or let me know at my Twitter handle below.