And what they’ve said is, they want to know about response to intervention.
I lost track of the total number of questions I screened for yesterday’s online chat about RTI after counting about 100. The panelists did a great job of fielding as many as they could, but to get to all of them would have required another few hours.
Judging from the inquiries, there’s a lot of interest in how RTI might work for older students, for English-language learners, and for students struggling in academic subjects other than reading. Educators also want some reassurance that they’re doing RTI the “right way.” There really is not a one-size fits all” framework for starting response to intervention in a school or district; the personality of each school plays a huge part in effective implementation.
But I hope to write about more solid examples of RTI used with different subjects, and in different types of schools. Any suggestions on good places to profile?