
The Challenges in Making Ed-Tech Work, Through the Eyes of K-12 Officials

By Sean Cavanagh — June 28, 2016 1 min read
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Teachers descend on the annual ISTE conference in search of tips and detailed guidance on how technology can meet their classroom needs. They also hope to get a sense for how ed tech will shape their work in the years to come.

The advice comes to them in packed professional development sessions and lectures delivered by their peers, academic scholars, and others. And the educators here absorb the tireless advances of ed-tech

companies—roughly 500 of them are on-site this week— trying to connect with K-12 teachers and administrators in every corner of the Colorado Convention Center, where ISTE 2016 is being held.

Yet there’s often a big gap between the lofty ideas put forward by the most pioneering teachers and vendors gathered here and the throngs of more-typical educators who are still trying to figure out the basics of what digital strategies make sense for them.

I’ve been speaking with teachers, and administrators who work closely with them, about the biggest hurdles educators face in trying to figure out how to use technology.

We’ve collected the thoughts of K-12 officials on those questions, above. Let me know if their views ring true, or contradict your views on the challenges schools face in making technology work for them.

See also:

A version of this news article first appeared in the Digital Education blog.