We know things have been rough on the testing front in Tennessee. But we didn’t realize they’ve been rough enough to make Tennessee pull out of PARCC.
That’s what’s happened, though. In a letter to PARCC CEO Laura Slover last month, Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam, Commissioner of Education Kevin Huffman and Fielding Rolston, the chairman of the state board of education, said the decision was sparked by a new law, House Bill 1549, which had recently been signed by the governor.
The law doesn’t actually dictate that Tennessee quit PARCC, but it does require the state to use its current assessment, the TCAP, in the 2014-15 school year. It also requires the state to issue a request for proposals for a new test to be used in 2015-16.
Take a look at what the three state leaders wrote:
With Tennessee’s move, PARCC is down to 15 members (14 plus the District of Columbia). Smarter Balanced remains at 22.